Monday, June 25, 2012

Poster and Table Sessions

This afternoon I went to a number of poster sessions and table sessions. I like the concept of poster sessions for topics where you just want some quick information about a topic, or a few minutes to chat with a presenter about a topic. In the time frame of an hour-long session, I was able to have a lot of conversations and get a lot of information about topics I'm interested in, rather than hearing about a single topic.

However I'm not as convinced that the table sessions, for research paper presentations, are as good of an idea. The room was a little small to have seven simultaneous presentations The presenter at my table was trying to play some videos, but even with her little speakers it was very difficult to hear them. On the positive side, though, having about ten people at a table made for a more intimate session and more willingness of participants to ask questions, and I certainly found it valuable to hear about "Gaming in the Classroom: Implicit through Portal 2 Explicit Knowledge".

Some highlights of the poster sessions were:
MCSD Podcast Library
Rubric for Assessing the Quality of Online Environments
Online Roller Coaster Creator for teaching math
Creating Games with eToys

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