Rather than having to go through each assignment and see how many have been completed, and how many each student has completed, I've written a script that logs that information to a Google Spreadsheet. In case you'd like to do the same, here's the code and some basic instructions on how to set it up for yourself.
- Create a Google spreadsheet with a list of student email addresses in column A starting at row 2.
- Rename the sheet Achievements (or change line 17 of the code below).
- Under the Tools menu choose Script editor and paste in the code below.
- Follow the directions at https://developers.google.com/classroom/quickstart/apps-script to authorize your script.
- Run (play) the function listCourses to find the courseId for the course that you want to run this on
- Set up a trigger to run the function countClassroomAssignments() every morning or every week.