Monday, June 9, 2008

downloading YouTube videos

It is possible to save YouTube videos to your computer so that you can watch, or show, them even if they are removed from the site, or your Internet access malfunctions. The process of this changes every once in a while, a new application (or website) comes along and/or YouTube changes something.

That being said, the way I recommend to download YouTube videos is:
  1. find the video
  2. copy the ULR (uniform resource locator, aka the location) from the address bar of your web browser; probably the easiest way is the right click it and choose copy
  3. past the URL into the "Enter YouTube URL:" box on TechCrunch's Video Download Tool and click Get Video
  4. if you are using Internet Explorer, you'll probably see a yellow bar come up at the top of the page... click that to download the file
  5. you should now have the video file saved to where you had specified

Now, the video is in Flash video format, so you need some player like VLC to play it. If you are not able to install VLC because you are not the administrator of your computer, you can use the portable version.

That's it in a nutshell, comment if there's something I'm missing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi David, just wanted to let you know about vdownloader for YouTube.
It lets you convert to AVI as well...not as elegant as techcrunch but more flexibility with end format.