Monday, September 16, 2024

Pedal and Paddle in the Edmonton River Valley


I recently as able to bike in the river valley and then paddle down the North Saskatchewan through downtown Edmonton.

After parking the car near the Accidental Beach, I hoisted my backpack and biked up the paths to Government House Park. After inflating the kayak and getting it down to the riverbank, I strapped my bike to it, donned my PDF, and pushed off into the river. There were a few strange looks from other kayakers and people on the Edmonton Riverboat, but I had a great time.

My gear for the morning included:
  • 75 L backpack
  • inflatable kayak
  • collapsible paddle
  • PDF, whistle, and heaving line
  • dry bag
  • lunch
  • a couple of ratchet straps
  • and of course an old bike that I didn't mind potentially getting wet.
It was less than half an hour on the bike and about 90 minutes on the water.